Edgemoor Car Show

May 17th, 2019 - 7:00am

Dear Car Owners,
It’s Car Show time at Edgemoor and you’re invited to come and bring your vehicle!  Being able to attend the Car Show is a high-light of the year for many of our residents. They look forward to it and start asking months in advance when the next show will be.
This facility tradition was founded by Richard Brown and is now named in his honor. The next Richard Brown, Edgemoor Car Show is scheduled for Friday, May 17, 2019 from 10:00 am–noon.
Here’s where to bring your car for this event…

Edgemoor DPSNF
655 Park Center Dr.
Santee, CA 92071
Schedule for the Show:
9:00 am         Registration, coffee & donuts (please sign in, update any info and enjoy the food!)
10:00-11:45 am Residents and guests look at cars
Noon           Lunch will be served beginning at noon.
Please RSVP by emailing us:


or by calling (619)596-5581 by Friday, May 10th to reserve your spot in the show.
Please feel free to invite your friends or other car clubs to this event.  Thank you in advance for helping make the Car Show a success and look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.

Anne Monaco, CTRS
Jasmine Sino, CTRS
Recreation Therapy Department
Edgemoor DPSNF
655 Park Center Drive
Santee, CA 92071
Desk (619)596-5581


Edgemoor Car Show

Edgemoor Car Show

Edgemoor Car Show

Edgemoor Car Show